1. Shrug (verb)
-to lift your shoulders as a way of showing that you do not know something or are not interested
(mengangkat bahu)
e.g : He shrugged everytime his friends asked him about that girl.
2. Rattle (verb)
- to make a noise like hard things hitting each other or to shake something so it makes this noise
(mendetar-detarkan , menggoncang)
e.g : They rattle the ice in their glass at the same time .
3. Mourn (verb)
-to feel and show great sadness , especially because somebody has died (bersedih, berkabung)
e.g : All of the people are still mourning for the lost of MH370
4. Receding hairline (adjective)
-(used about a man's hair) to fall out and stop growing at the front of the head
(semakin botak di depan)
e.g : That boy with receding hairline is my new classmate
5. Pretentious (adjective)
-trying to appear more serious or important than you really are (menunjuk-nunjuk , berlagak)
e.g : They said that we are pretentious when we speak in foreign language
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