
The Preparation

Hello Guys ! I am doing my American Preparatory Program at KKTM Ledang for 10 months and I'll fly to USA ! uhhuuuu :D . But I've to pass all of this : TOEFL >90 , SAT >1000 , TPNG >3.5 and free from any of discipline cases . So now I got the English assignment which I've to post them to my blog. What should i need to have here are Vocabulary log which i need to learn 5 new words per day and write one sentence for each meaning. Next, I have to have the Reading log which I've to read at least one novel every week and write a short response to the input based on questions that have been provided and also choose 3 interesting words and create a sentence . Then, the Film Review. I have to watch at least one English movie and choose 3 interesting words and write the sentences to demonstrate the meaning of those words. I also have to write a short response to the input same as the reading log . For the Writing log I've to discuss and build the outline of 5 essay questions in groups each week . So these are for my English assignments . Lastly, pray for my TOEFL , SAT, TPNG and all so that I can FLY TO USA SOON . Stay tuned guys ! :D


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