1. Schadenfreude
- enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others
- eg : She had a feeling of schadenfreude a after the boy who dumped her can't find a date for the dance .
2. Intrigue
-make secret plans to do something illicit to someone
-eg : He uses intrigue to get whatever he wants
-eg : He was truly intrigued to buy the new design of stiletto from the famous designer to her fiance
3. Deign
-do something that one considers to beneath one's dignity
-eg : The richest man in their state deigned to smile when walked in public .
4. Burgeon
-begin to grow or increase rapidly ; flourish
-eg : Her intensity in making her own gown design at home burgeoned into a very famous boutique .
5. Parsimony
-extremely unwillingness to spend money or use sources
-eg : His parsimony is well-known in the village
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