1. Distrungled (adjective)
-angry or dissatisfied (merungut)
e.g : The students were disgruntled because their school canteen sold the unhealthy foods
2. Utter (adjective)
-complete , absolute (betul-betul)
e.g : That girl is utter fascinating .
3. Overwhelmed (verb)
-cover completely , submerge (menenggelami)
e.g : The flood in Kelantan last year overwhelmed all of the houses and buildings
-cause to feel embarrassed ,helpless,surprised (by someone kindness ) (sungguh terharu)
e.g : I was overwhelmed of her kindness
4. Shiver (verb)
-shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold , frightened or excited (menggigil)
e.g : He is shivering when seeing a man wants to kill a little child
5. Treacherous (adjective)
-guilty of or involving betrayal or deception (khianat)
e.g : That treacherous man has a lot of enemies
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