1. Distrungled (adjective)
-angry or dissatisfied (merungut)
e.g : The students were disgruntled because their school canteen sold the unhealthy foods
2. Utter (adjective)
-complete , absolute (betul-betul)
e.g : That girl is utter fascinating .
3. Overwhelmed (verb)
-cover completely , submerge (menenggelami)
e.g : The flood in Kelantan last year overwhelmed all of the houses and buildings
-cause to feel embarrassed ,helpless,surprised (by someone kindness ) (sungguh terharu)
e.g : I was overwhelmed of her kindness
4. Shiver (verb)
-shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold , frightened or excited (menggigil)
e.g : He is shivering when seeing a man wants to kill a little child
5. Treacherous (adjective)
-guilty of or involving betrayal or deception (khianat)
e.g : That treacherous man has a lot of enemies
Film Review #1
Posted by
trah wawa
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interesting words that had been chosen during watching this film are :
1. 1.Suppress (verb)
-to stop something by using force (menindas , menumpaskan)
e.g : They tried their best to suppress the piracy on the high seas
-to stop something from being seen or known (memendamkan)
e.g : She suppresses her sadness in front of her friends
2. 2.Elude (verb)
-to manage to avoid being caught (mengelakkan diri)
e.g : The escaped Panda knows how to elude itself from the zoo keepers
-to be difficult or impossible to remember (tidak ingat)
e.g : I know how to solve this question but its formula eludes me
3. 3.Sedate (verb / adjective)
-(adjective) quiet,calm and well-behaved (tenang)
e.g : His mother persuades him until he become sedate after crying all night long
because of the nightmare
-(verb) to give somebody a drug or medicine to make him/her feel calm or
want to sleep
e.g : The doctor sedates one of her patient who is suffering from mental
For the
short response , i chose one of the prompts given which was “Would you watch
this material again ? Why/why not” . Insidious 2 is a horror movie , of course
I’m not going to watch this material again when I’m alone because I have a high
imagination I think ,so when I watch this movie I will imagine everything about
the ghost and this makes me more scared to do everything in my real life . But,
the movie is very best and exciting . I swear . Do watch this movie and if
you’re the type of person like me , watch it with your friends or family
members so that you’re not too scared. The plot of this movie is very
complicated . I don’t know how to explain how complicated Josh was when he
tried his best to get into his body again to safe his family members and live
with them happily . Do watch this , seriously you’re not going to be upset . Believe me ! haha
Vocabulary Log #9
Posted by
trah wawa
on Thursday, 29 January 2015
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1. Hoarse (adjective)
-(of a person's voice) sounding rough and harsh (serak)
e.g : She didn't talk much because she had a hoarse voice as she got the sore throat
2. Obliterate (verb)
- destroy utterly ; wipe out (menghapuskan)
e.g : Kate is obliterating her memory with her ex-boyfriend
3. Smithereens (noun)
-small pieces (berkecai)
e.g : the stone hit the windshield and smashed it into smithereens
4. Mutter (verb)
- say something in a low or barely audio voice ,especially in dissatisfaction or irritation
(merungut dengan suara perlahan)
e.g : Please stop muttering, do speak it out loud .
5. Excruciating (adjective)
-intensely painful (sangat sakit)
e.g : Having a backstabbing friend is so excruciating.
-(of a person's voice) sounding rough and harsh (serak)
e.g : She didn't talk much because she had a hoarse voice as she got the sore throat
2. Obliterate (verb)
- destroy utterly ; wipe out (menghapuskan)
e.g : Kate is obliterating her memory with her ex-boyfriend
3. Smithereens (noun)
-small pieces (berkecai)
e.g : the stone hit the windshield and smashed it into smithereens
4. Mutter (verb)
- say something in a low or barely audio voice ,especially in dissatisfaction or irritation
(merungut dengan suara perlahan)
e.g : Please stop muttering, do speak it out loud .
5. Excruciating (adjective)
-intensely painful (sangat sakit)
e.g : Having a backstabbing friend is so excruciating.
Vocabulary Log #8
Posted by
trah wawa
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1. Inevitably (adverb)
-as is certain to happen ; unavoidably (tak boleh elak)
e.g : Inevitably, her mother fainted as she got the call .
2. Twinge (noun)
- a sudden, sharp localized pain (rasa mencucuk / pedih)
e.g : He can't fell asleep when he feel twinge in her stomach
- a brief experience of an emotion ,typically and unpleasant one (perasaan tidak menyenangkan)
e.g : Anne felt a twinge of guilty when she left her bestfriend alone there
3. Qualm (noun)
-an uneasy feeling of doubt,worry,or fear especially about one's own conduct , a misgiving
e.g : I am still in qualm to choose my future career
4. Groan (verb)
-to make a deep sound because of pain or some strong emotion / to show that you're unhappy with something (mengeluh)
e.g : They are moaning and groaning while finishing their assignments
5. Vaguely (adverb)
-in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear, roughly (samar-samar, agak)
e.g : She vaguely remembered met him once
-as is certain to happen ; unavoidably (tak boleh elak)
e.g : Inevitably, her mother fainted as she got the call .
2. Twinge (noun)
- a sudden, sharp localized pain (rasa mencucuk / pedih)
e.g : He can't fell asleep when he feel twinge in her stomach
- a brief experience of an emotion ,typically and unpleasant one (perasaan tidak menyenangkan)
e.g : Anne felt a twinge of guilty when she left her bestfriend alone there
3. Qualm (noun)
-an uneasy feeling of doubt,worry,or fear especially about one's own conduct , a misgiving
e.g : I am still in qualm to choose my future career
4. Groan (verb)
-to make a deep sound because of pain or some strong emotion / to show that you're unhappy with something (mengeluh)
e.g : They are moaning and groaning while finishing their assignments
5. Vaguely (adverb)
-in a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear, roughly (samar-samar, agak)
e.g : She vaguely remembered met him once
Vocabulary log #7
Posted by
trah wawa
on Saturday, 24 January 2015
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1. Wary (adjective)
- careful because you are uncertain or afraid of somebody or something (berhati-hati)
e.g : She becomes wary after she has been robbed
2. Accuse (verb)
-to say that somebody has done something wrong or broken the law (menuduh, dituduh)
e.g : He was accused of the cheating
3. Quandary (nouns)
-a state of not being able to decide what to do ; a difficult situation (keadaan serba salah)
e.g : I'm in quandary whether I've to meet him or not
4. Meticulous (adjective)
-giving or showing great attention to detail ; very careful (sangat teliti)
e.g : You must be meticulous on additional mathematics calculation
5. Snob (noun)
-a person who thinks he/she is better than somebody of a lower social class and who admires people who have a high social position (penyombong)
e.g : Don't you ever be such a snob person even when you're studying abroad
- careful because you are uncertain or afraid of somebody or something (berhati-hati)
e.g : She becomes wary after she has been robbed
2. Accuse (verb)
-to say that somebody has done something wrong or broken the law (menuduh, dituduh)
e.g : He was accused of the cheating
3. Quandary (nouns)
-a state of not being able to decide what to do ; a difficult situation (keadaan serba salah)
e.g : I'm in quandary whether I've to meet him or not
4. Meticulous (adjective)
-giving or showing great attention to detail ; very careful (sangat teliti)
e.g : You must be meticulous on additional mathematics calculation
5. Snob (noun)
-a person who thinks he/she is better than somebody of a lower social class and who admires people who have a high social position (penyombong)
e.g : Don't you ever be such a snob person even when you're studying abroad
Vocabulary log #6
Posted by
trah wawa
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1. Frown (verb)
-to show you very angry ,serious,etc by making lines appear on your forehead above your nose
(mengerutkan dahi)
e.g : Elsa is frowning when her enemy dates her boyfriend
2. Mildly (adverb)
-not very, slightly (agak sedikit)
e.g : Audrey was mildly interested about the camp .
3. Lease (noun)
-a legal agreement that allows you to use a building or land for a fixed period of time in return for rent (janjian sewaan , pajakan )
e.g : He will move to another house when the lease on his apartment runs out
4. Resemble (verb)
-to be or look like somebody or something else
e.g : They said that I resemble my bestfriend
5. Fraternity (noun)
-the feeling of friendship and support between people in the same group (persaudaraan, ukhuwah)
e.g : I tell my friend that if one more person from my fraternity gets engaged before me, I'm done !
-to show you very angry ,serious,etc by making lines appear on your forehead above your nose
(mengerutkan dahi)
e.g : Elsa is frowning when her enemy dates her boyfriend
2. Mildly (adverb)
-not very, slightly (agak sedikit)
e.g : Audrey was mildly interested about the camp .
3. Lease (noun)
-a legal agreement that allows you to use a building or land for a fixed period of time in return for rent (janjian sewaan , pajakan )
e.g : He will move to another house when the lease on his apartment runs out
4. Resemble (verb)
-to be or look like somebody or something else
e.g : They said that I resemble my bestfriend
5. Fraternity (noun)
-the feeling of friendship and support between people in the same group (persaudaraan, ukhuwah)
e.g : I tell my friend that if one more person from my fraternity gets engaged before me, I'm done !
Vocabulary log #5
Posted by
trah wawa
on Friday, 23 January 2015
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1. Whined (verb)
- to complain about something in an annoying ,crying voice (merungut,merengek)
e.g : The girl whined because the class was so uncomfortable
2. Mansion (nouns)
-a very large house (rumah agam)
e.g : My wishlist is to have a mansion in the future
3. Slob (nouns)
-(used as an insult) a very lazy or untidy person (orang yang malas atau selekeh)
e.g : The slob get less friend and the potential to be success is low
4. Scoffing (verb)
-to speak about something or somebody in a way that shows you think that he/she/it is stupid or ridiculous (mengejek,mentertawakan)
e.g : The interviewers scoff when she explains her answer just to test her self esteem
-to eat a lot of something quickly (melahap)
e.g : I just see they scoff the meal after the marathon
5. Fascinate (verb)
-to attract or interest somebody very much (menarik minat)
e.g : Her creativity always fascinates me
- to complain about something in an annoying ,crying voice (merungut,merengek)
e.g : The girl whined because the class was so uncomfortable
2. Mansion (nouns)
-a very large house (rumah agam)
e.g : My wishlist is to have a mansion in the future
3. Slob (nouns)
-(used as an insult) a very lazy or untidy person (orang yang malas atau selekeh)
e.g : The slob get less friend and the potential to be success is low
4. Scoffing (verb)
-to speak about something or somebody in a way that shows you think that he/she/it is stupid or ridiculous (mengejek,mentertawakan)
e.g : The interviewers scoff when she explains her answer just to test her self esteem
-to eat a lot of something quickly (melahap)
e.g : I just see they scoff the meal after the marathon
5. Fascinate (verb)
-to attract or interest somebody very much (menarik minat)
e.g : Her creativity always fascinates me
Vocabulary log #4
Posted by
trah wawa
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1. Squabble (verb)
-to argue in a noisy way about something that is not very important (bergaduh, bertengkar)
e.g : When they were together they seem to squabble
2. Pathetic (adjective)
-causing you to feel pity or sadness (menyedihkan)
e.g : It is so pathetic to see the children crying for food .
-very bad,weak or useless (teruk, lemah, tidak memuaskan)
e.g : Our lecturer reminds us for not producing a pathetic work .
3. Irritable (adjective)
-becoming angry easily (cepat marah )
e.g : Please don't be an irritable one
4. Ought to (modal verb)
-used to say what somebody should do
-used to say what should happen or what you expect
-used for asking for and giving advice about what to do
e.g : We ought to drink more plain water everyday
5. Fidgeted (verb)
-to keep moving your body,hands or feet because you are nervous,bored,excited,etc (meresah)
e.g : He fidgeted nervously waiting for his mother's operation to be done .
-to argue in a noisy way about something that is not very important (bergaduh, bertengkar)
e.g : When they were together they seem to squabble
2. Pathetic (adjective)
-causing you to feel pity or sadness (menyedihkan)
e.g : It is so pathetic to see the children crying for food .
-very bad,weak or useless (teruk, lemah, tidak memuaskan)
e.g : Our lecturer reminds us for not producing a pathetic work .
3. Irritable (adjective)
-becoming angry easily (cepat marah )
e.g : Please don't be an irritable one
4. Ought to (modal verb)
-used to say what somebody should do
-used to say what should happen or what you expect
-used for asking for and giving advice about what to do
e.g : We ought to drink more plain water everyday
5. Fidgeted (verb)
-to keep moving your body,hands or feet because you are nervous,bored,excited,etc (meresah)
e.g : He fidgeted nervously waiting for his mother's operation to be done .
Vocabulary log #3
Posted by
trah wawa
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1. Gross (adjective)
-very rude and unpleasant (kasar)
e.g : Don't be so gross to your teacher
-very fat and ugly (gemuk gedempol serta hodoh)
e.g : The gross girl always walks alone because no one wants to be friend with her .
2. Tie down (phrasal verbs)
-to limit somebody's/your freedom (membuat seseorang terikat)
e.g : This is so annoying when her boyfriend ties her down
3. Devastated (adjective)
-extremely shocked and upset (sangat terkejut dan sedih)
e.g : We are devastated when our teacher passed away
4. Suburbs (noun)
-an area where people live that is outside the central part of a town or city (pinggir bandar)
e.g : It is so cozy to stay in the suburbs
5. miserable (adjective)
-very unhappy (sedih , muram )
e.g : She looks miserable after getting the result
-too small or of bad quality (sangat sedikit)
e.g : I'm not going to buy for a miserable thing
-very rude and unpleasant (kasar)
e.g : Don't be so gross to your teacher
-very fat and ugly (gemuk gedempol serta hodoh)
e.g : The gross girl always walks alone because no one wants to be friend with her .
2. Tie down (phrasal verbs)
-to limit somebody's/your freedom (membuat seseorang terikat)
e.g : This is so annoying when her boyfriend ties her down
3. Devastated (adjective)
-extremely shocked and upset (sangat terkejut dan sedih)
e.g : We are devastated when our teacher passed away
4. Suburbs (noun)
-an area where people live that is outside the central part of a town or city (pinggir bandar)
e.g : It is so cozy to stay in the suburbs
5. miserable (adjective)
-very unhappy (sedih , muram )
e.g : She looks miserable after getting the result
-too small or of bad quality (sangat sedikit)
e.g : I'm not going to buy for a miserable thing
Vocabulary log #2
Posted by
trah wawa
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1. Shrug (verb)
-to lift your shoulders as a way of showing that you do not know something or are not interested
(mengangkat bahu)
e.g : He shrugged everytime his friends asked him about that girl.
2. Rattle (verb)
- to make a noise like hard things hitting each other or to shake something so it makes this noise
(mendetar-detarkan , menggoncang)
e.g : They rattle the ice in their glass at the same time .
3. Mourn (verb)
-to feel and show great sadness , especially because somebody has died (bersedih, berkabung)
e.g : All of the people are still mourning for the lost of MH370
4. Receding hairline (adjective)
-(used about a man's hair) to fall out and stop growing at the front of the head
(semakin botak di depan)
e.g : That boy with receding hairline is my new classmate
5. Pretentious (adjective)
-trying to appear more serious or important than you really are (menunjuk-nunjuk , berlagak)
e.g : They said that we are pretentious when we speak in foreign language
-to lift your shoulders as a way of showing that you do not know something or are not interested
(mengangkat bahu)
e.g : He shrugged everytime his friends asked him about that girl.
2. Rattle (verb)
- to make a noise like hard things hitting each other or to shake something so it makes this noise
(mendetar-detarkan , menggoncang)
e.g : They rattle the ice in their glass at the same time .
3. Mourn (verb)
-to feel and show great sadness , especially because somebody has died (bersedih, berkabung)
e.g : All of the people are still mourning for the lost of MH370
4. Receding hairline (adjective)
-(used about a man's hair) to fall out and stop growing at the front of the head
(semakin botak di depan)
e.g : That boy with receding hairline is my new classmate
5. Pretentious (adjective)
-trying to appear more serious or important than you really are (menunjuk-nunjuk , berlagak)
e.g : They said that we are pretentious when we speak in foreign language
Vocabulary log #1
Posted by
trah wawa
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Hello guys ! I'm updating my first week vocabulary :D So lets learn together ! :D
1. Squeal (verb)
- to make a loud high noise because of pain, fear or enjoyment (Menjerit)
e.g : She squealed and run towards her mother when she saw a big fat snake
2. Shove (verb)
-to push with a sudden,rough movement (Menolak)
e.g : Anne shoves four of her nieces into the bed
3. Horrid (adjective)
-very unpleasant or unkind (Teruk, bersikap kasar)
e.g : He was scolded by his mother because he was so horrid at his party last night
4. Bald (adjective)
-(used about people) having little or no hair on your head (Botak)
e.g : He went bald after the wardens had a spot check
5. Suffocating (adjective)
-to die because there is no air to breathe; to kill somebody in this way (mati lemas,melemaskan)
e.g : She asks her friends to keep the windows open to avoid from suffocating
1. Squeal (verb)
- to make a loud high noise because of pain, fear or enjoyment (Menjerit)
e.g : She squealed and run towards her mother when she saw a big fat snake
2. Shove (verb)
-to push with a sudden,rough movement (Menolak)
e.g : Anne shoves four of her nieces into the bed
3. Horrid (adjective)
-very unpleasant or unkind (Teruk, bersikap kasar)
e.g : He was scolded by his mother because he was so horrid at his party last night
4. Bald (adjective)
-(used about people) having little or no hair on your head (Botak)
e.g : He went bald after the wardens had a spot check
5. Suffocating (adjective)
-to die because there is no air to breathe; to kill somebody in this way (mati lemas,melemaskan)
e.g : She asks her friends to keep the windows open to avoid from suffocating
The Preparation
Posted by
trah wawa
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Hello Guys ! I am doing my American Preparatory Program at KKTM Ledang for 10 months and I'll fly to USA ! uhhuuuu :D . But I've to pass all of this : TOEFL >90 , SAT >1000 , TPNG >3.5 and free from any of discipline cases . So now I got the English assignment which I've to post them to my blog. What should i need to have here are Vocabulary log which i need to learn 5 new words per day and write one sentence for each meaning. Next, I have to have the Reading log which I've to read at least one novel every week and write a short response to the input based on questions that have been provided and also choose 3 interesting words and create a sentence . Then, the Film Review. I have to watch at least one English movie and choose 3 interesting words and write the sentences to demonstrate the meaning of those words. I also have to write a short response to the input same as the reading log . For the Writing log I've to discuss and build the outline of 5 essay questions in groups each week . So these are for my English assignments . Lastly, pray for my TOEFL , SAT, TPNG and all so that I can FLY TO USA SOON . Stay tuned guys ! :D